That Didn’t Take Long…

From CNN:

Three days after Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead in his room at a luxury hunting ranch in remote West Texas, the conspiracy theories about his passing continue to swirl.

A local judge’s decision not to order a post-mortem examination have triggered a round of questions ranging from scrutiny of the procedures to the bizarre.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Monday referenced a report from the scene about Scalia’s body when asked on a radio show to comment on the possibility that Scalia may have been murdered and whether there should be an independent investigation into this death.

“They say they found a pillow on his face, which is a pretty unusual place to find a pillow,” Trump said on conservative radio host Michael Savage’s show “The Savage Nation.” Savage called for “the equivalent of a Warren Commission”-style investigation into Scalia’s death.

Of course. What we have here is a 79-year-old, overweight, sedentary man with allegedly numerous medical issues. Who wouldn’t suspect foul play?

Anybody sane, I’d say.

And here’s another doozy of a related conspiracy theory:  Leonard Nimoy is in on it. And you thought he was dead.

9 thoughts on “That Didn’t Take Long…

  1. I’m wondering if YOU could write a blog post comparing TRUMP & CRUZ … showing which one is worse (or better) in your HONEST opinion, of course, and being tasteful in your choice of words … of course, just like those two @sshats … just an idea.

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  2. Given the way it’s galvanized conservatives I’d suspect the real conspiracy is that Scalia timed it himself. But he made a mistake and went too soon, which would be funny for a man whose opinions were stuck in the past.

    Liked by 1 person

Okay. Your turn!