2 thoughts on “Thought for the Day

  1. Trump and GOP brainmatter is oozing out their heads at a record pace. Our government is giving way to a sloppy, smelly, lying, embarrassing, stupid, illegal, and dishonest Republican wetdream. And I don’t really see many Dems stepping up to help the situation.

    How far will these MAGA peabrains sink our country and how far will they go to destroy the Consitution, take control of my life, and disband law, order, and justice?

    Personally I cannot wait to see the destruction and aftermath. Bring it on. I’m losing patience and sooooo tired of the mentality ill DJT, his fat lying gash of a mouth, his ignorant family, and his cult buddies.

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    • I feel like Dems & Liberals/Indies are trying to still be civil human beings. I appreciate that, but it’s not likely to win in this battle.

      I continue to pray he has a major health crisis, though I know the MAGAs would happily elect his corpse.

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