Isn’t He Adorable?

Chris Christie on last night’s dumpster fire, otherwise known as Ted Cruz’s “endorsement” speech of Donald Trump at the GOP convention:

“I think it was awful,” Christie said. “And quite frankly, I think it was something selfish. And he signed a pledge. And it’s his job to keep his word.”

This from the man who gave his party’s keynote speech for Romney in 2012 but spoke mainly about his own accomplishments.


Ted Cruz, Weasel in Chief

From Politico:

“Ted Cruz was put on the defensive for his proposal to patrol Muslim neighborhoods as he went on a media blitz Wednesday morning.

On CBS “This Morning” Tuesday, Cruz again cited the initiative that de Blasio ended. But host Norah O’Donnell pushed back.

“This raises a lot of civil liberty concerns. Let me ask you, how many Muslims are in America?” O’Donnell asked.

“I don’t know the number off the top of my head,” Cruz responded.

“So you’re saying that law enforcement should survey the number of Muslims, and you don’t know how many Muslims are in America? There are 3 million Muslims in America. Law enforcement is overwhelmed,” O’Donnell said.  “We have a chief of police, one of the most respected chiefs of police who was here earlier and said there are no Muslim neighborhoods. It’s not like Europe, it doesn’t exist that way. It’s impractical what you’re suggesting. Also, it doesn’t suggest it would lead to anything. It’s more of a political point you’re making.”



Lies and the Lying Liar Who Tells Them

From professional weasel, Ted Cruz:

“We are one justice away from the Supreme Court ordering ten commandments monuments taken down at courthouses and city halls throughout this country,” he said.

“We are not far away from them ordering the chisels to come out to take off the crosses and the Stars of Davids on the tombstones of our fallen soldiers.”

He also said a liberal majority of justices would order “veterans’ memorials to be torn down over this country,” give up America’s national “sovereignty to the United Nations and the World Court,” and nix the Second Amendment right to bear arms, as well as push a liberal agenda on abortion.

“We are one justice away from the Supreme Court striking down every restriction on abortion and mandating unlimited abortion-on-demand up until the moment of birth, partial birth with taxpayer funding and no notification,” Cruz said.

“This issue is huge in the next election.”