You Call That Art?

Welcome to my blog,

“I Tried Being Tasteful, But The Strain Was Too Much For Me.”  


 (The blogger also known as TexasTrailerParkTrash)

This year I will turn 77.  Lordy.  (Is that turn as in “the milk turned bad” or turn as in “the caterpillar turned into a butterfly”?  Only time will tell.)  Sometimes I feel like I’m 76 going on 13, which can be a good thing when hanging out with the twenty-something grandkids, and a bad thing when answering to their parents.

I live in central Texas, surrounded by life-long Republicans and cats.

Let’s just say I have more in common with the cats.

What is and what isn’t art?  Beats me.  I’ll be posting some of my favorite paper collage ATCs (artist trading cards that measure a wee two and a half inches by three and a half inches) that I’ve created, together with cartoons, paintings, and reflections from that dormant organ called my brain.   Enjoy!

Within the ATC Gallery tab, click on individual ATCs to see enlarged views.

58 thoughts on “You Call That Art?

  1. Thanks, xqwartist! That was my school picture from back in the Stone Age (1952 or ’53) at Maude Price Elementary in Downey, in So. Cal. I appreciate your kind comment about my ATCs. I especially enjoy doing them because there are no rules apart from their size. Anything goes! Thanks for stopping by.


  2. Hi! I think I bought one of your art cards.. a frida katlo… a while ago.. I love it… I hope it is yours..

    I thought I had lost you..


    • How kind of you to remember me, Nancy! I used to sell ATCs on eBay in my store of the same name–TexasTrailerParkTrash–a couple of years ago, until I finally had to close it because of eBay’s unfair policies to their long-time sellers. Frida Katlo was one of my favorites because it was the first one in my series, “Great Cats in Art”, which featured my lovely Himalayan, Neferkitty.

      I miss all the great people who visited my store and that’s one of the reasons I started this blog so I could continue to put my art “out there”. I’m so glad you stopped by and glad you found me again! 🙂


  3. I just love your blog. I even have emailed a few to my sister…who, like me, has the sense of the ridiculous.
    Today, for the first time, I went and looked at your ATC which are like your blog hilarious and witty. (Being a 10 year ATC veteran myself – I bow to the master!)
    Thank for bringing a bit of whimsy in my day!


  4. TTPT, My apologies in advance if this is inappropriate. I was looking at your ATC gallery (which is great), and it reminded me of my friend’s art. Her art is different, but it has the same smart/snarky humor. Here’s a link to her website, if you want to have a gander.

    ~ Lenore


    • Thank you, TBI! I need to get off my duff and do some more. That’s one of my goals for the summer. My 64th birthday is on Friday, so the pressure is on to be as creative as possible before Medicare kicks in. 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by–y’all come back!


  5. Wow….always wondered what happened to your Ebay store, I have 8 of your cat ATC’s, and am thrilled that I found your blog today – can’t stop reading your spot on comments out loud, thank you for spreading the truth 🙂


    • Hi Kim! Sure, I remember you and your generous purchases of the originals of my cat ATCs. How nice of you to find me again and to leave a comment! I had to close my eBay store because of their numbskull policy of soaking the store owners with fee hikes every six months. I hated to do it, but I was losing money just keeping the store open. Doing this blog has been just as much fun, though. Glad you stopped by—y’all come back!


  6. Pingback: Sheesh… « Absurd Old Bird

  7. We are in the same position as you with an aged Mother/mother in law. Your very funny anecdotes ring bells for us .Keep them coming.Kay and Steve New Zealand.


  8. I’m so delighted to have stumbled upon your blog like a open door in a snow storm to a warm toasty bar with good music and a roaring fire where everyone slurs and tells you like it is! I have a feeling I am going to very much enjoy poking around here! Cheers!


  9. Hi there! I’d love to get in touch with you about a freelance writing project but I don’t see any contact information on your website, can you send me an email? Thanks!


  10. You have a wonderful blog! I tried some of the ‘paper cutting’, and it was lots of fun, but, somehow didn’t turn out like yours…oh well. I moved on to Quilling, because sitting for hours, rolling little strips of paper, is actually more fun! Thanks for the laughs!


  11. I found this blog in a very strange, roundabout way looking for silhouettes of The Grinch on Google images which came up with, of all things, your silhouette of the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland (lovely, by the way). And then, as it often happens, I got distracted and trapped in the vortex of the internet when I should be working, because I could not stop reading your blog. I just want to say that you are around my mom’s age and I’m absolutely FASCINATED with your technology expertise and the fact that you have a blog since my mom routinely ends text messages with “Love, Mom” as though I wouldn’t know who sent the message otherwise and who, after many 30 minute tutorials and then the hire of professional help, cannot for the life of her, figure out how to attach a picture to an email. She’s like that lady from the Esurance commercial pinning photos to her living room wall. I just want to say you are absolutely inspiring — as an artist, writer, blogger and person — and I (and my sister who I am reading your blog aloud to) hope to grow up and be as cool as you one day.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aren’t you the sweetest thing! I’m visiting my son and his family in California and just read your comment to my daughter-in-law and granddaughter. We all laughed at your reference to the Esurance lady—we love her! “I un-friend you.” “That’s not how it works! That’s not how ANY of this works.”

      I don’t know about the tech expertise though. I have to confess to ending texts and email with the “Love, Mom” thing too. I guess it comes from years of writing actual letters in the pre-Internet Stone Age.

      Thanks so much for getting sucked into the vortex and for taking the time to write such a lovely comment. This just made my day. 🙂


  12. Pingback: It may not sound that way, but I am grateful | Mindful Digressions

  13. Hi was just wondering the Alice silhouettes are brilliant was wondering is it possible to use them in a papercut im designing. Thank you. Emma


    • Hi Emma—The Alice silhouettes were created using the artwork from the original “Alice in Wonderland” book by Lewis Carroll. That artwork is in the public domain now and you should have no trouble finding it and using it for your own designs. Have fun and thanks for your comment.


  14. I just discovered your blog today and I just wanted to THANK YOU for making me laugh my butt off. I needed it like you wouldn’t believe. I used to be a merchant mariner, then I got married and had a kid. The rest is stuff I never saw coming and wouldn’t have believed it if you’d told me. In my creative life, I love photography and made soap and balms for ten years. Cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

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