One thought on “Trump Continuously Booed During Speech to Libertarians.

  1. unfortunately at some time in his life as a slumlord and lowlife creep his brain and litttle hands were replaced with a plastic dildo. Trump is a whoringcriminal and Putin and the likes of his stupid GOP helpers are his pimps.

    good luck to all of these treasonous weanies. And thank you MAGAs, for you will be the ruin of yourselves if the fat, lazy, ignorant, greasy liar and grifter and his henchmen are put in power.

    Trump is too stupid to do it alone. He needs the GOP morons to complete the task. Can’t wait to see how this all ends up. Go Stephen Miller and all your lizard allies. HA! I will be laughing when it all goes down the tube. I am not afraid. I’m white. It’s everyone else I feel and fight for.

    what a 3rd world country Trump has turned us into. Thanks asshole.


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