She Came, She Signed, She Left After 30 Minutes

Well, the big Bristol Palin Book Signing-Palooza took place last night at our local Fredericksburg Walmart store.

From the looks of it, the citizenry was underwhelmed.

The day before, our little burg had even made the pages of the satirical website (click the link for the story).

There was excited talk of large crowds because this area is heavily Republican and also of the Tea Party persuasion, despite the fact that former President Lyndon B. Johnson was (and still is) such a huge figure in these parts.

Hell, Lady Bird Johnson continued to be a member of St. Barnabas Episcopal Church (just down the street from my daughter’s house) up until her death a couple of years ago, even though Lady Bird had been a resident of Austin for many years.  Old connections run deep in this part of Texas.

We didn’t attend the big event which kicked off at 6 pm because we had the grandkids here and because we really didn’t give a hoot.  However we did end up at Walmart later in the evening after our weekly pilgrimage to McDonald’s.

I’d checked the news feeds earlier and found this little blurb and photo on the Fox News (where else?) San Antonio website about Bristol’s visit:


Palin Visits Fredericksburg Store
The daughter of former Alaska governor Sarah Palin spent the evening in Fredericksburg.  Bristol Palin signed copies of her new book “Not Afraid of Life” at the town’s Walmart store.  The book talks about Bristol’s experience in the public eye when her mother campaigned as John McCain’s presidential running mate.

I think the part about “spent the evening” is a bit disingenuous.  When my husband was checking out at Walmart he went to the express checkout that happened to be right next to the area where Ms. Palin had been holding court.

(As you can see in the photo, it was a set-up fit for a queen, complete with a bouquet of roses snatched from the floral cold case just a few steps away and a faux palm tree hauled in from the crafts department in the back of the store.  Notice, too, the heavy knit scarf around Bristol’s neck.  WTF?  It was at least 98 outside, and not a whole lot cooler in the store.)

The checker had been there the whole time and said that Bristol had left after only 20 mins. to a half hour of signing.  There was even a point where there was no one waiting, so she graciously (to her credit) went around and introduced herself to the employees in the area.

In the grand tradition of her Mama Grizzly, she’d brought little Tripp (have I got the name right?  With all the Tripps, Tracks, Trigs, etc., it’s hard to keep up) along for added value.  No Sarah, though.

The checker said that while Palin was still there an elderly lady went through her check-out line and muttered “Hmmph.  What does she know about life?”

When my husband was just about done checking out, the Walmart employee said “When you get down to it, it’s all about the money, isn’t it?”


120 thoughts on “She Came, She Signed, She Left After 30 Minutes

  1. Met her, she signed my book, was very gracious, and I truly admire her. Drove all the way from San Antonio and was very pleased to see her. She made my day!


      • Wondering if the scarf is to cover bruising from a codependent relationship, her sizeable chest (insecure much?), or some misguided folksy image thing that’s inappropriate for Texas in July (she is, after all, from Alaska).


    • Don’t know how far you drove from San Antonio, but your gas $ could have been way better spent! How about buying a book about/by someone worth admiring? What’s to admire about a young, unmarried person getting pregnant and co-writing a book all about it to disparage/embarrass the father? She’s either so short-sighted she can’t see beyond the next grifted $$, or she plain doesn’t care that this is out there forever for her son to read. How sadly pathetic, yet so typical Palin!


      • In the book, she also totally bad mouths all of the McCain children. What the?? Who is SHE to judge THEM? She is just the same media hound her mother is. I would think much more of her if she held a real job, was working her way through college, AND taking care of her baby. She has yet to do any of those. And, we are suppose to read her book, why?


    • Just for curiosity’s sake, is that because your life mirrors Bristol Palin’s?

      In other words, you were promiscuous from the age of 14, you’ve used drugs and hard liquor, you never got married but you’ve gotten pregnant ???times before your 20th birthday, and you’re following in your mother’s footsteps with the pathological lies?

      My apologies in advance if that’s not you. It IS, however, Bristol Palin.


    • Please tell me you’re being facetious. I certainly hope there really isn’t anyone in this world whose day would be made by buying Bristol’s fictional memoirs (at the age of 20 even thinking about calling them memoirs is beyond ludicrous that you have to wonder about the sanity of the editor) and having her sign them! This family’s attention-seeking behavior has finally gone too far even for the RWNJ’s. NOBODY who is the least bit intelligent would buy her “story” about how she lost her virginity let alone the new addition of the “date rape but I don’t really call it date rape” nonsense she’s spewing in her robotic interviews. Her mother introduced a film called “The Undefeated” pretending she had nothing to do with it, although considering she solicited the director to produce something about her gubernatorial career it’s a little difficult to sell that one or any part of the film considering its ridiculously trumped up lines by such “righteous” and well-known liars like Andrew Breitbart. $arah had a second ghost-written book released in November 2010 that sold less than 1/4 the “reported number” of books that she sold a year earlier and crowds that were severely diminished accompanied the new release and her book tour for the same. The book came at the heels of Bristol’s Tea Party-aided third place finish on DWTS and then quickly followed by another unnecessary reality show, aka as a political commercial for $arah that debuted to great numbers in the ratings but had been reduced by more than half for the last four or five episodes. TLC chose not to renew the show but whether that decision was due to $arah’s outrageous demand for quadruple her salary or decreasing interest in the show from its viewers and obviously from $arah’s co-stars, aka as her family.

      We’ve been subject to articles, TV shows, a ridiculous movie with a hypocritical title that has everyone laughing but this latest release, the memoirs of a 20 year old who has done NOTHING other than make money due to her getting knocked up at the age of 17 and claiming she worked “so hard and without help from anyone else” to get to where she is today reads like a bad romance novel. Bristol should be thanking John McCain & his family, not criticizing them. If John McCain hadn’t been so desperate that he chose someone after virtually no vetting and a one hour interview, Bristol would be living in the Palin’s ONLY home, raising her son most likely with Levi’s help. Someone, anyone, please tell these grifters their time has long been over. The public may have been a bit slow to realize it in some cases although the vast majority of us knew it after the 2008 campaign. Also, let them know that a “farewell tour” is definitely NOT necessary..


    • I’m guessing you’re trying satire, because I refuse to believe that you sincerely think Bristol Palin is performing some useful service…well, other than providing an example of what happens when you think you’re more famous than you actually are.


  2. What’s to admire? The bimbo has not done anything with her life and she’s writing memoirs that nobody wants to read. Nobody cares.


  3. I LOVE Fredricksburg.. mom lived in Kerrville for years and when I visited from Colorado we would always make a trip to Fredricksburg for coffee and pastries.. you live in a very beautiful part of the state.. the hill country in gorgeous.. enjoy your wonderful life.. I hope you read Immoral minority, palingates, Laura Novak blog, Malia and Joe McGinniss as well.. they have the true story of Bristol and her mom and all those babies??? thanks for taking the time to share your experience.. Pam


  4. You’re going to get some visitors from IM. Love your site. I’ve been looking for the story of how it went. Thanks, and be seeing you.


  5. A thick knit scarf can only mean “fashion-assisted camouflage,” in other words, our Bristol darling is preggers. Again.

    That sweel lil’ hunny-bunny really should try abstinence. Bless her heart.


  6. Well as they say, dead fish go with the flow. Brisket’s 15 minutes is winding down, thank you Lord! Who needs another book of sex and wine coolers?



  7. Hi There. Just popping over from IM to say thanks for this post…
    compliments on the blog !!

    Otherwise, I can only respond that poster “Lee M.” needs to start aiming higher…Bristle Palin and her family are NOTHING to admire.



  8. Oh my . . . . If I didn’t know what big grifters Bristol and her mother were I would almost feel sorry for Mini Me Sarah Palin. Mama didn’t tell her there’d be days like this.

    I find it interesting that this woman constantly says hateful things about her child’s father, writes hateful things about her child’s father, tells “abstinence” audiences what a huge mistake she made–yet she carts her baby around like none of the crap she’s spouting has any bearing on him. Insane. Another Palin using her children for money, goods and services.

    And yeah, what is with the scarves? She should be sweating like a pig (do pigs sweat)? coming from Alaska . . . .

    Love your blog! I came over from Immoral Minority.


  9. Great article, and thanks for letting IM link to it. I will be keeping your site on my list of “must visits”.
    I live within an hour, but it wasn’t worth my time to drive over. Besides I had my grandkids and I thought her chin would scare them.


  10. It warms the cockles of my heart that Real Americans™ are seeing right through the pandering, phony and pathetic Palin family circus.


  11. Hi! Dropped by from the IM and I am glad I did! …..Thanks for the post. 30-minute book signing isn’t a great haul, and neither is the 50 copies of her “book” sold in Alabama.


  12. Thanks for the interesting write-up about the “big” book signing. I bet just as many people would show up if Nancy French (her co-author) was doing the book signings.

    Palinbots = Craziness. You may get some ugly remarks when the folks at the sea of p show up. And we know they will because we know they troll IM.

    Love your witty writing style and have bookmarked to come back. Looking forward to reading more posts. Wonder what “old lady in thong” is all about… we’ll see!


  13. Love your blog! It’s bookmarked. 🙂
    Came over from IM as well.
    Not at all surprised her turnout was low, I mean REALLY?? 20 years old, she has not even LIVED yet. It’s all about the $$$ plain and simple.
    It was Brizdulls way of getting back at all her “haters”…another book by a family member to trash every one that has figured out what that family is all about.
    It couldn’t happen to a (not) nicer person.
    Too bad Tripp has to witness this…


    • A friend let me read the book. I did not buy it. As a rule I do not buy ghostwritten celebrity books. That’s why we have the libraries and friends who work at bookstores. Of course, it is not on order in my library and they don’t believe they will be ordering it anytime soon.

      The actual writer, Nancy French, voice showed through. It was truly one of the only redeeming parts of the book. It did not have the wistful coming of age tone I expected. Bristol is still too young to have any kind of wise introspection.
      Many people focus on the part of her book when she loses her virginity, that was silly and the story was unworthy and boring. But it is being used to vilify her child’s father in many forums. She may regret that.

      I was more interested in Ms. Palin’s interesting need to school girl snark on hotels she did not think worthy of her and the general air of settling scores. There were informational bits in the book about the percentages of teen pregnancy and the like. But I wanted more than the “I am redeemed and was used” meme that the book espoused. I suppose I expected something most twenty year olds generally don’t have—especially if this book was not written from their heart, but through someone else’s hand.

      There is something highly wrong with ghostwritten memoirs by millionaire twenty year old, uneducated mothers who lecture others on being spoiled.


  14. Nice blog! Thanks for the on-the-scene reporting. Maybe if the “North Star” had accompanied her daughter there would have been 10’s of folks queued up at the table and the signing could have gone on for 40-50 minutes.


  15. What about the people who had planned to visit the store later only to find Bris had quit halfway through. I’m bored/I’m not selling any books/I’m leaving. What a bitch. Like mother like daughter.


  16. Poor Brissy the Pissy….so sorry people aren’t interested in your work of fiction, “Not of Afraid of Lying”. I was thinking the same thing about that scarf! It’s freakin’ HOT this time of year in TX. Did she also have those black leather equestrian boots on, too? She must have been suffocating in that Texas heat.

    I love that area of Texas. We lived in east TX for 3 yrs and I would have LOVED to live around the Austin area. Fredricksburg has a killer outlet mall, too. You guys have a much bigger population of liberal folks than the rest of TX. When we first moved there, all the rednecks…um, I mean good Christian folks where we lived all hated Austin! After we made a trip there, I could understand why and got that slogan “Keep Austin Weird”.


  17. Appreciate your “boots on the ground” report. I’m sure the Palin cult will spin it as an overwhelming success, which it obviously wasn’t. I feel so sorry for Tripp. He’s going to have one sorry life with this “family” and didn’t ask for any of it.


  18. I also came over from Immoral Minority. Glad to hear the boots on the ground report of Brisket’s signing. Love all the extra details you provided. Thanks!


  19. I too came from IM and I have to agree with the underpaid Walmart worker who understand why Bristol Palin can pretend like she is making a difference, why she could write a book in which she uses her virginity being stolen from her as the opening, why she was selected for DWTS? It is always about the money. When I was twenty years old, I was making 6 bucks an hour and driving a 1986 Mustang used. There was no book deal, no new house. Nothing because I was twenty years old and did know a thing just like Bristol Palin. Her “infamous” last name is what is bringing in the money, nothing else.


  20. I’m a Texan whose many happy family trips to Fredericksburg go waaaay back. We love the German restaurants, the great history of the region, the peach country around those parts, the incredible WWII military museums, and nearly everything else about the community and area.

    Now I just hate it that every time I think of that Wal-Mart in the future, the whole town will seem tainted from the Palin Klan’s stench.

    Oh well –she came, she saw, she slithered away when ignored by the public…. Not all is lost in the telling of THAT tale.


  21. Hello Texans!
    Might I state your country is beautiful and your gov sucks…

    Anyway, methinks you all live in some goregous surroundings.

    Nevermind Brisket and her hymen issues, tell your teens that a good moral code is to not participate in underage drinking.
    It is that simple.

    Hugs, loves and live wonderfully in your beautifully diverse countryside.


  22. I’m over from IM too !! Is there any way to get a request to the folks at “The View ” I think it only fair that they have Levi and possibily Sadie on the show to counter the lies of Ms Barstool Palin !! Thanks for keeping us informed on the movement of Grifter 2.0 !!


  23. I’m here from IM. I spent 25 years in Texas – half of it on the banks of the Guadalupe and the other half in East Texas. Love Fredericksburg, the Hill Country and miss Texas. It’s terrific to know that there are Texans who “get” what the Palins are all about. A wool scarf? As hot as Texas is this year? Good grief.
    Thank you for a great post and thanks for bringing back good memories.


  24. Only one reason to wear a heavy scarf around your neck, in the Texas heat. She must have been sporting some hickies.


  25. Another visitor here from IM. Nice site, thanks for the report! I’m from Colorado and do quite a bit of business in Texas. I know that there are plenty of normal folks down there. Texas has probably more than it’s fair share of wackos but in the area of Colorado I live so do we. I live in the CS area and believe me the buybull thumpers in this area are just unhinged as anyone in AZ, TX, ID or the deep south.
    Just as you can’t pick your family you can’t keep the wackos out! Carry on with your good work. If I didn’t think bristle was just as greedy and mean as her mother I might feel sorry for her and all of her humiliation in the past, present and most certainly in the future.


  26. It would be nice if Bristol did something with her life, but I bet she never really graduated from high school, and couldn’t qualify for college. I also came over from IM’s great blog.


  27. Love your writing style. Glad I followed the link to your site. I’ll bookmark it. Not to offend, but you write a lot like the wonkette, which I love. It was also nice to hear some truth about something involving the Palins, from regular town folk.


  28. Dear Bristol –
    Please. Stop talking about your baby daddy in front of your child.
    Please. Stop talking about sex and getting drunk in front of your child.
    Please. Stop talking about sneaking around and getting away with it, court, “hating”, Levi CHOOSING not to spend time with your child, in his presence.

    He’s not stupid. He’s not deaf. He speaks English.
    It’s really really damaging to do that. Bad enough that it’s on-air and recorded for posterity, but it’s just beyond belief that you do this with that little guy sitting right in front of you.
    Say whatever you want about sex, drugs and rock-and-roll. Bash anyone you want. But not in front of your children. It’s a fundamental cardinal rule in every parenting advice book on the planet, as well as a basic direction from every family court in the country, and every child psychologist.

    True or not, who would tell a young child that it’s parent doesn’t love them? Who would do that? What an astonishingly MEAN thing to do to him.

    Bristol, indeed you are NOT a “single parent.” Your child has two parents. You are a single mother and your marital status is ‘single’, as opposed to ‘married’. Really? You don’t want your child to have his daddy? Do you realize that this little boy will eventually know that YOU stopped him from having his daddy? He’ll read and watch everything you’ve said.

    Bristol – there are many split families. All over the world. What of it?
    Most parents are charged with finding amicable or at least livable terms for sharing a child. Courts are harsh with parents who do what you do, and somehow you’re doing it on national television and getting away with it!

    In the end, Bristol, it’s not about Levi, it’s about that little boy. Who will grow up to be a man. Like every child, he should feel loved and wanted by his parents, and to feel nurtured and supported by as many adults as possible, all of his extended family. He’s entitled to that. It’s good for him. It makes happy healthy adults. YOU owe it to him, even if you have to fake it.


    • Excellent post. Yes, that little boy will want to know all about his Daddy and have a relationship with him but it doesn’t stop there. What about his paternal grandparents? His paternal aunts and uncles and cousins? Shouldn’t he know them, too? Oh, yeah, they are just common folk, huh? She has proven that she is cut from the same cloth as her mother, who has also bad mouthed this little boy’s Daddy. He is writing a book, too. Not sure how that will turn out but, at least, his voice can be heard, and I think that is important.


      • Every one I know who has read this book or heard Brisdull in her interviews comes away with the same opinion: she is a spoiled little brat and thinks she can use a book to settle the score. What she is doing to her little boy is WRONG! You do not make the bitter comments she makes and think that your son does not understand. You do not say that you were drunk and Tripsy’s Dad took advantage of you. You do not hint that you were raped or make comments about the fact that your son is a mistake. When you write criticizing your son’s Dad and call him a gnat, you have no business even having that child present when you are badmouthing him on the talk shows or at the book signings. What you are doing to Levi amounts to alienation of affection and shows that you are a BAD parent and continue to make reckless choices. It is time to grow up and act your age–only a third grader would be making the comments that Bristol is making. She seems to think that she is still in grade school and can bully people. We have seen her Mom and Dad at the airport in Valdez, acting like jerks and bullying a man who was seeing his wife off on the same plane. Mama Grizzly even refused to sit beside this lady and Greta van Susteren showed some class and took Palin’s seat. We saw Sarah and Todd and Willow bully the lady at the Homer boat harbor–physically pushing them around until she saw that her film crew was observing this low class behavior. (see both videos on YouTube to see their trashy behavior.) The Palins seem to think that if you have money and are a celebrity you have the right to act like a Pitbull and be mean to those who don’t have as much money. Shame on them. They need to go back to Alaska and think about why they keep dropping in the popularity polls.


  29. What a great website. Love the graphic! Thanks for the report. It makes me feel better to know that not everyone is completely taken in by this nonsense.


  30. I came from Twitter..;-)
    Just wanted to say that I’m glad that Bristol walked out when she did. Shows ya how she is so much like her mother.


  31. another IM visitor..Hopefully reality is setting in at the Palin House. America has moved on to Bachman, as the latest shiny object…


  32. Yet another visitor from IM. My Texas roots go all the way back to Old One Hundred, and a ggg-uncle who died at the Alamo!

    Fred is a *wonderful* place–cool little shops and of course, Dooley’s. Maybe she would have had better luck in front of Dooley’s. Do the gay guys still run the pet supply store across the street? They would have *loved* her new drag queen look.


  33. I know Fredericksburg through Texas Rebel Radio and the locals always appeared to me to be quite sane, so I couldn’t understand why Miss Palin and her publisher thought Fredericksburg would be a good place to exploit. Miss Palin introducing herself to the Walmart staff was probably to avoid being photographed sitting there all abandoned and unwanted. Palins don’t like reality much.


    • Why Fredericksburg? Maybe because the town has a pop. of around 11,000 and the racial makeup of the town is 93% white. According to in 2010 political contributions in Fredericksburg show that $12,910 (6%) went to Democrats and $166,939 (74%) went to Republicans.

      Interesting how the demographics compare to Pella, Iowa……


  34. Fredricksburg is a mighty fine part of our state and you are privileged to live there. No matter how hard I try I just can’t get myself interested in an autobiography of a youngin’ — someone that has not much to reflect on.


  35. I found your website via IM – I love Gryphen’s blog. Loved the snark in this story. Ms. Bristol would do well to listen to advice given by those who posted before. I also am a “single” as in marital status mother. I would not dream of talking bad about my daughter’s father. She loves her dad and cares about him. What I think of him personally does not matter. It matters more to me what she thinks of me rather than what she thinks of him if that makes sense.
    Keep doing a great job.


  36. I’m another first-time visitor thanks to IM. Loved your post. Thank you for letting us know how Bristol’s signing went. I must admit, I was surprised that she was so gracious as to take the time and make the effort to introduce herself to the staff. From her past behavior and statements, I did not think she would have the basic manners to do so. I know I may be hoping against hope, but still, I do hope she gains insight and social graces from being associated with people outside her family.

    However, if the tone of the book excerpts and her statements on her book tour are any indication, perhaps her moment of grace was just that – a moment. I agree with many here that have worried that she simply does not understand the damage she is doing to her son by disparaging his father all the time.

    Again, thanks for a lovely post. I hope to stop by this blog again soon. I enjoyed your spunk and sparkle. I’ve found several Texas blogs like yours that are so nice to read that they almost offset the frustration Rick Perry and other Texas politicians generate. Glad to see you are not letting them get you down.


  37. Wow, we’re all here from I.M. Too cool! I loved your blog today too. It’s nice to get the straight story from someone who was there. I’m so glad Gryphen linked us to you. Thanks a lot!

    Re Bristol and her nastiness about Tripp’s dad, that will come back and bite her in the butt when he’s older and finds out the truth about all of this. It won’t be pretty. Levi will get his chance, and Bristol will lose. Obviously, she’s a “little” lacking in the brains department.


  38. Let me see if I’ve got this right. Bristol parades around the country talking about losing her virginity and what a lousy father Levi is — and she’s doing this with her child present and listening? How incredibly inappropriate.

    Lemme guess. Tripp’s book will be “Mommy Dearest 2”?


    • She uses no discretion whatsoever, speaking _in front of_ that little boy. Not just that she sets a discourteous and mean-spirited example for him and speaks badly about his daddy at his expense, but also that she breaks down every adult thing in her own life in direct blunt language, while he’s listening. Getting drunk, sex, virginity, condoms, birth control, the public “hating” them, etc etc. etc.
      How about in your house, folks? Don’t we shush each other when a kid is in the room and we were talking about Uncle Joey going to jail? Don’t we spell out ‘s-e-x’ in front of a three-year-old, followed by “I’ll tell ya later…” ?
      I’ve had many an embarrassed moment of little ones blurting something out proudly that they weren’t meant to hear, I didn’t know they were listening, didn’t think they understood what I was talking about. I learned not to say _anything_ that I didn’t want repeated out loud.
      I can’t help it, I just imagine this little guy screaming from the backseat in the MacDonald’s drive-through, “Mama’s a _virgin_! Mama’s a virgin!”


  39. I stop by quite a few of the truth seeking blogs and one thing I have noticed is how really quickly the flying monkeys get on and respond. They must each be assigned to watch a certain blog and get paid for how quickly they post. I absolutely do not believe the lady who said she drove from San Antonia to have this worthless loser sign an overpriced book. I really enjoy the ones who try to pretend they are “one of us” and say things like, “I don’t like Sarah…BUT” and go on to blow smoke up her ass. As my teen age grands say ..epic fail to convince me.


    • The lady who said she drove from San Antonio did. She was standing in line behind me at the signing. She was a sweet person, and I think she may have ended up on the wrong blog. These Republicans can be a bit dim.


  40. So Brisdull is wearing the signature Palin “pregerrs” scarf ……AGAIN??? no way! Of course she could be using the scarf as a “signature” look ….not hiding the “pregerrs” look….or she has gotten knocked up again. So I really doubt that the girl or anyone in her family is actually clever enough to have her create an acutal “look” …but then who knows….


  41. Hmmm very interesting . As a very uniformed Brit I just don’t get what anyone can see in this woman I really don’t. This is a great blog well done – Diane


  42. Good grief, woman, I leave you alone for a couple of days and your popularity explodes!! 🙂 As it should be.

    I get a little tired of people with nothing but a famous parent (or bags of money, or a stupid reality show) getting book deals and attention and all that crap. Society’s values are so screwed up. I can only imagine that Palin Junior’s book is a snore.


  43. Well done. And I’m so glad you took on this topic! The insanity of it all. Sure hope the idiot wandered over to the pharmacy section and picked up some birth control pills.


  44. Love your article on Bristol and love your writing style. You should be the Texas ‘sister’ blog to Gryphen’s Immoral Minority in Alaska. Nice to see that Texas still grows common sense in some areas.

    I’d also really like to read your in depth perspective on the things your govenor is doing to your great state. For instance, what do you think about him hoarding billions $$ in a ‘rainy day fund’ while slashing your education budget, etc…?

    Thanks again for some on the scene reporting on the Palin dramedy. (And personally, I think Bristol is hiding some problems right below her chin with that scarf. It looks as if the area where she had all that fat sucked from under cheek and around sides of chin area is coming back.) VHTG


  45. Another IM reader here..People are beginning to wakeup ..Just wish the msm would do the same..Also too great blog..Great post..


  46. Love love LOVE your blog!! Popped over from IM (thanks Gryphen!). I’m a Texas born girl (ok – “mature” woman) presently living in Alaska. Thanks for prodding this old brain for fond memories of Fredericksburg (ooh and apple strudel). Soooooo glad to see that folks all over this great country of ours are finally “getting it” re: Palin, Inc. Alaska has been so done with them for a good long while. As I said – love your blog – I’ll be back. You rock!


  47. She’s always had generous curves. Actually, she just very ordinary but has a famous last name. Maybe that’s why she doesn’t want to change it with marriage.


  48. I did not know this blog existed and stumbled on it at CrooksandLiars. Great blog as I needed some humor in my life. I will be back. You are truly a hidden Texas Treasure!


  49. Am I the only one who remembers that Sen. McCain broke away from the RNC convention in St. Paul to go out and greet Levi Johnston at the airport?

    I would like to republish that picture with a new caption: “Republican Presidential Nominee Sen. John McCain greets Bristol Palin’s rapist at St. Paul Airport.”


  50. Please everyone do your duty as an American and write a review on Amazon. Palinbots are going crazy over there using multiple identities to get the book star rating up. At least go read some reviews & comments – you’ll see what I mean. Palin fans think it’s DWTS all over again so as usual have to cheat to make the rating go up on the book.


    • The problem here is that in order to give an honest review, one would have to read that tripe.

      Can’t lie about it-two wrongs don’t make a right.


  51. Why would anyone care what a dopey teen mom has to say no matter who her mother is? It is the same with the jerks who bought Snooki’s book and anything Kardashian.


  52. Not a fan of the Palins. Extremely contemptuous of them, in fact. I don’t take second place in that contest, to anyone.

    But. Just a word or two on the activity under discussion.

    I’ve signed books at Wal-Mart too. It’s difficult enough to have a signing at a bookstore, looking like you’re not dying a little inside when the audience consists of five people who know you personally; book-signings at Wal-Mart, where NOBODY cares, is a little like being in a cage outside the castle and inviting the citizenry to laugh at you.

    People go to bookstores to shop for books, and people incidentally pick up books when passing through Wal-Mart, which are two completely different mission statements. Do a signing at Wal-Mart — let alone a totally unpublicized signing, as I did as part of a much-ballyhooed but otherwise completely unsupported “literacy day” event the chain promoted a few years back — and you’re not among readers who might be theoretically interested in books of any kind at the particular moment; you’re among people who are there at that particular moment to buy diapers and cat litter and bleach. The three Wal-Marts I hit, with Wal-Mart’s urging, had no idea what to do with the authors they solicited; they in fact set me up at a table near lady’s lingerie, with no sign or anything, which made me feel really stupid sitting there.

    It looks like Bristol Palin, whose star is fading anyway, didn’t do all that much better with heavy advertising.

    I wouldn’t read her book on a bet. But I believe she probably attracts bigger crowds at Barnes & Noble.


  53. Sorry to join so late, but we just returned from vacation in Fredericksburg yesterday, and I am finally catching up on my blogs. We got there the 9th,l so just missed the Big Event, thank goodness. I’m here from IM too, and will keep visiting. I’ll just add my two-cents that Fredericksburg was wonderful! My family had a wonderful time, saw fantastic scenery, visited farms and parks and museums, shopped… Can’t wait to come back!


    • So glad you had a good time here, Kim! Hope you got a chance to see the Museum of the Pacific War—it really takes a couple of days to take it all in, but it is really worth it. If you liked Fredericksburg now in the awful drought we’ve been having, you will really love it when we finally get some rain and everything gets green again. Y’all come back!


  54. Pingback: It’s All About Sarah « Malia Litman's Blog

  55. Pingback: Bristol Palin, Champion of Dignity! « Malia Litman's Blog

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