In a Last Minute Fashion

I thought I’d post some fashion sketches I did yesterday for my daughter, the furniture designer.  She’s going to the big furniture market in N. Carolina on Sunday and she asked me (kind of at the last minute…ahem) if I would do some sketches from fashion magazine photos that were her inspiration for several of the pieces in her current furniture line. 

Kind of reminds me of when I used to hear “Mom, I need a diorama of the solar system for Mrs. Krabopple’s class today” as the kids were getting ready for school.

So, like the wonderful mommy that I am, here they are:

7 thoughts on “In a Last Minute Fashion

  1. Nice artwork, M., but I can’t decide which one would flatter me most. LOL! Although I can–and do–drape over a sofa with the best of them, I don’t think your daughter would be inspired, unless she’s thinking of doing a Pickles line. So, in artist terms, what colors are hot? I need some new socks. 🙂

    I do love your breezy, flowing style…and thank you for not putting them in 6″ heels. I can’t wait to see the furniture that comes from all those ruffles, though!


  2. My daughter’s furniture line is what she calls “Steampunk”, a cross between industrial/mechanical/fantasy and the Victorian era. So the ruffles, pleating, etc. fit into that view. The colors for the collection are pretty much muted taupes, mauves, dusty beiges. I already have socks those colors, so I guess I’m really with it!

    All the drawings are from photos taken out of issues of Vogue and Elle magazine. I liked the spectator-style wing-tips too. Much more my kind of shoe (you know, what with my plantar fasciitis and all. haha)


Okay. Your turn!